We’re kind of a big dill
Saskatchewan ‘Snowbirds’ learned to play pickleball in the southern United States and brought their love of the game home, along with the desire to play for more than a few months in the winter. In typical Saskatchewan style, volunteerism was the key to success in establishing pickleball throughout the province.
The first pickleball program in Regina was started at the Glencairn Recreation Centre in 2006. It was followed in short order by programs in schools, churches and other community centres throughout the city. Pickleball is now played every day of the week in multiple locations in Regina by over 1,000 people.
The early days of pickleball in Saskatoon began with weekly games in 2007 at Father Basil Markle Park, with hand marked lines on existing tennis courts. In 2008 the sport was further organized, grown and supported by
community groups. From its modest beginnings, the Saskatoon pickleball community has now grown to include over 1,000 regular players.
Rural and smaller communities organized pickleball clubs on their own or by partnering with other nearby centres. Informal competitions are enjoyed across the province. All sizes of communities have worked hard to create outdoor courts through grants and volunteerism.
Pickleball Saskatchewan Inc. (PSI) was incorporated as a non-profit membership corporation in 2013. Its first affiliated clubs were Pickleball Regina Inc. and Saskatoon Pickleball Inc. in 2017. As of the end of 2022, there are 22 affiliated clubs and 2,600 members of Pickleball Saskatchewan. In addition to the strong growth in enthusiastic members, PSI is very proud to have pickleball recognized as an emerging sport by Sask Sport in 2020. This designation acknowledges Pickleball Saskatchewan’s role in developing and growing the sport of pickleball in the province and provides access to funding as an affiliate of Sask Sport. It is PSI’s desire to have all pickleball players in the province realize the benefits of becoming a member of Pickleball Saskatchewan, and thereby of Pickleball Canada.

“Think Before You Dink”
Inclusive and accessible
We will embrace and support players of all ages, abilities and interests fostering social connections and a sense of community; and celebrating their involvement and achievements.
We will value all our members and volunteers who are integral to our success. We will listen to and be considerate of their needs and be open, honest and transparent in our actions as we strive for excellence in all that we do.
Safe in our sport
We believe our athletes, coaches, officials and other volunteers have a right to be free from harassment, abuse, unethical behavior and discrimination.
We will inspire a love of our sport by being innovative in our thinking, working in partnerships and collaborations.

Board of Directors
See the Pickleball Saskatchewan Inc. Board of Directors.
Strategic Plan
The Board of Pickleball Saskatchewan is very pleased to release our 2021 – 2024 Strategic Plan.
Bylaws & Policies
The following Policies have been published by Pickleball Canada and are subject to change without notice.
ITAC Minutes & PSI AGM