Happy people play Pickleball

Pickleball promotes positive social interaction and enhances participants’ physical and mental health

The sport for all

Saskatchewan ‘Snowbirds’ learned to play pickleball in the southern United States and brought their love of the game home, along with the desire to play for more than a few months in the winter. In typical Saskatchewan style, volunteerism was the key to success in establishing pickleball throughout the province.

Pickleball is a fun and fast-paced sport, accessible to all. It helps build active, healthy communities. Pickleball promotes positive social interaction and enhances participants’ physical and mental health.

Pickleball as a sport strives to be welcoming, accessible and safe; to be equitable, diverse and inclusive. This has led it to be the fastest growing sport in the world.


Pickleball Saskatchewan will provide the foundation for the continued growth and
success of pickleball in Saskatchewan


To promote the growth of pickleball for all, for life.

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Pickleball Canada


Members can join Pickleball Saskatchewan (PSI) and Pickleball Canada (PCO) for one low fee of $17 with many added benefits including Sports Accident Insurance. As before, each club sets its own fees. All memberships will now have a December 31st expiry date. Please note that members can join multiple clubs. For new applications and renewals click here.